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Sailsense Integration

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Booking Manager has partnered with Sailsense to offer our clients an even better solution. Connect the Booking Sheet of your Local Booking Manager Application to Sailsense rental section.

Synchronize Your Calendar

Save time and avoid repetitive administration tasks by synchronizing the Booking Sheet of Booking Manager with the Rental section in Sailsense. No need to insert twice the same reservations; use the MMK import function in the tab Rental and synchronize all new bookings.

Digital Check-In

Don't stress at the base, simplify the check-in and check-out procedure by using the Sailsense check-in app. All the reservations will be displayed in your account thanks to the connected calendars in order to make the procedure even easier for you and your staff.

All Documents In One Place

Keep track of the boat's usage, save all the check-in and check-out information in one place. After the charter is completed, get the PDF with the boat's usage and the check-in and check-out file signed by the client directly in the reservation documents of your Booking Manager.

Start Organizing Your Work

To get the Booking Manager and Sailsense new integration, please fill your info here

Joachim Jensen Thorrud

Clients Speak For Themselves

Online booking feature makes everything so much easier for the customers, they can do everything themselves!

Joachim Jensen Thorrud,
Owner, Nautic Norway 36 19 6 40
Adriana Bošnjak

Clients Speak For Themselves

Booking Manager made our lives easier by helping us work faster and send our offers easier, create invoices with one click and send professional newsletters.

Adriana Bošnjak,
CEO, Ocean Sailing House 36 19 6 40
Adriana Bošnjak

Clients Speak For Themselves

“We were looking for a way to offer real-time availability online but did not want to compromise on the way our yachts and crew were presented.  OSH priority is a high-end service after all. With Booking Manager option for  the Crewed Charter we don't need to compromise! Our fleet and most importantly our crew is presented in a modern way and we are able to showcase it to over 5000 Booking Manager broker partners! Finally, we have a solution to increase the bookings and organise our operations!"

Adriana Bošnjak,
Charter Broker at Ocean Sailing House 36 19 6 40